- Group Styling and Shopping
Group Styling and Shopping
per item
Save money with a group! Shop for 3 hours with 6 or fewer women with a similar body-type. Learn together as Alicia styles each of you and teaches what looks best on your figure and why. You'll have a better idea of what to buy in the future and perhaps even more important, what not to buy.
When you order you will receive a simple questionnaire and Alicia will assess your body-type and how to best serve your needs clothing needs.
IMPORTANT: This can be ordered as an individual -- you don't have to create your own group!
I am grouping people by location, availability and similar body-types. I already have groups forming along the Wasatch front and in Southern Utah. Of course if you want to create a group of your own or invite a friend or two that will work, but you don't need to create your own group to participate.
>> Click here to learn more.
>> Read what this woman says about group shopping.
When you order you will receive a simple questionnaire and Alicia will assess your body-type and how to best serve your needs clothing needs.
IMPORTANT: This can be ordered as an individual -- you don't have to create your own group!
I am grouping people by location, availability and similar body-types. I already have groups forming along the Wasatch front and in Southern Utah. Of course if you want to create a group of your own or invite a friend or two that will work, but you don't need to create your own group to participate.
>> Click here to learn more.
>> Read what this woman says about group shopping.