Thoughts from a Wife

Shop your OWN closet and learn what works best for your body-type.
"Once upon a time, I did not know how to dress myself. I mean, technically, I could do it. I could do buttons, I could do zippers, you know. But I never felt like I looked “put together” or “cute” or “stylish” or what have you.
Then my husband got me a Christmas present. It was a closet inventory and 2 hours of shopping with Alicia Richmond, fashion consultant for Good Things Utah and stylist of Chic on a Shoestring. It helped that Alicia was already a friend of ours, (she is the nicest person!) and what I told my husband was - “I want a couple of sweaters for Christmas. Go ask Alicia where to buy them, and what kind to get. I don’t trust you to pick them out.” I did get some great sweaters, but what he got me was so much more.
I am not kidding you when I say that after that, I felt like I had been on “What Not to Wear” but without the insults or the $5,000. (Or, sadly, enough, the hair and make-up people. Nick and Carmindy are geniuses.) I now KNEW what kind of clothes to buy, and WHY, and she pulled combinations I never would have thought, and I honestly thought I could never shop without her again.
But I did shop without her, and I was SUCCESSFUL. It’s awesome. Truly. She taught me why certain things look better on me than other things.
She also did a “Balance Your Body Type” analysis on me, and that is why I can now shop for myself. Because I know what to buy. I know what to camouflage, what to accentuate. I know why V necks are good on me, and anything that pads the shoulders or widens them must be avoided!!! (It’s all about balancing the shoulders and hips, apparently. Did I know that? Um, yeah, totally…..) Yes, I still have the analysis in my email. I still look at it often.
I am telling you, I no longer look like a teenage boy or a moron when I leave the house. You know, unless it’s one of those days where sweats is all I’m going to wear, and that’s just how it is. And I often do just wear jeans and T-shirts. But the magical thing is, those jeans and tees, they FIT NOW. And I know I can put an outfit together when I want to, and it doesn’t intimidate me in the least. And that is huge for me.
Also, I now do most of my shopping at consignment stores or Target. I don’t spend a ton, and Alicia is so aware of budgets."
Then my husband got me a Christmas present. It was a closet inventory and 2 hours of shopping with Alicia Richmond, fashion consultant for Good Things Utah and stylist of Chic on a Shoestring. It helped that Alicia was already a friend of ours, (she is the nicest person!) and what I told my husband was - “I want a couple of sweaters for Christmas. Go ask Alicia where to buy them, and what kind to get. I don’t trust you to pick them out.” I did get some great sweaters, but what he got me was so much more.
I am not kidding you when I say that after that, I felt like I had been on “What Not to Wear” but without the insults or the $5,000. (Or, sadly, enough, the hair and make-up people. Nick and Carmindy are geniuses.) I now KNEW what kind of clothes to buy, and WHY, and she pulled combinations I never would have thought, and I honestly thought I could never shop without her again.
But I did shop without her, and I was SUCCESSFUL. It’s awesome. Truly. She taught me why certain things look better on me than other things.
She also did a “Balance Your Body Type” analysis on me, and that is why I can now shop for myself. Because I know what to buy. I know what to camouflage, what to accentuate. I know why V necks are good on me, and anything that pads the shoulders or widens them must be avoided!!! (It’s all about balancing the shoulders and hips, apparently. Did I know that? Um, yeah, totally…..) Yes, I still have the analysis in my email. I still look at it often.
I am telling you, I no longer look like a teenage boy or a moron when I leave the house. You know, unless it’s one of those days where sweats is all I’m going to wear, and that’s just how it is. And I often do just wear jeans and T-shirts. But the magical thing is, those jeans and tees, they FIT NOW. And I know I can put an outfit together when I want to, and it doesn’t intimidate me in the least. And that is huge for me.
Also, I now do most of my shopping at consignment stores or Target. I don’t spend a ton, and Alicia is so aware of budgets."
~ H.K., Tucson, Arizona